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Is it time to rethink your resume? 🤨

If applying online feels like throwing your resume into a black hole - or it's been a while since you've updated your resume, you won't want to miss this conversation!

Join Work Wonders Careers founder Jenn Walker Wall as she shares resume myths and misconceptions - as well as tried and true resume strategies that have helped clients transform their resume into an asset that makes it easy to convey value, boost your confidence, and land interviews and offers.

You’ll learn:

✅ What step you are skipping that could make writing your resume a lot easier

✅ How to stop underselling yourself (without feeling like you are bragging or over-exaggerating!)

✅ Why your resume is still an incredible career asset that can help open doors

The replay will be available at this link so RSVP to watch live or later.

January 29

Reflection Retreat Day with Jenn Walker Wall and Jenn O'Neil

February 27

Resumes that Resonate